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上述是这部影片的故事梗概。从这部电影我总结出一个观点:美国的拯救精神和英雄主义在一定程度上左右了美国的政策。为什么我会这样认为?首先我们要分析美国的拯救精神以及英雄主义。拯救精神在美国是很流行的,我观看许多美国大片,十之八九都用很浓厚的拯救精神的味道,例如《后天》、《独立日》等等。拯救精神的起源及其发展是怎样的呢?我个人认为,拯救精神起源于基督教的教义。基督教的救赎思想影响了整个基督教世界,不论是天主教世界还是东正教世界。正是由于救赎思想,十字军东征进行了八次;正是由于救赎思想,发生了地理大发现。美国独立后,国力迅速增长,国土面积扩大好几倍。美国环视四周,看见欧洲列强在拉美的殖民统治被拉美独立运动的浪潮所摧毁,新生的拉美诸国如出生婴儿。于是当时的门罗总统抛出了一个“泛美主义”,宣称美洲是美洲人的美洲,欧洲各国不能插足美洲的事务。这与日本的泛亚主义是多么的相似。美国认为自己是美洲人的救世主,只有美国才可以团结美洲诸国来抗衡欧洲,从而使美洲强大。这充分体现了拯救精神。到了一战后期,美国参战,虽然说美国参战是看到德国败局已定,想从中分一杯羹,但从文化上看美国出兵也是一种拯救精神,去拯救欧洲各国人民,使他们尽快脱离战争,重新得到和平。无独有偶,到了二战,美国也是到了战争的中后期,之前的参战国已经精疲力尽的时候参战的,这也体现了美国的拯救精神。到了现代,许多重大的国际事件,只要有美国的身影,美国都是以一种救世主的身份出现的。总的来说,我认为了美国的拯救精神造就了美国的泛美主义乃至全球主义。他认为自己是全球国家的老大,那个国家的制度等等方面不符合美国的利益,美国就扮演一个医生的角色去拯救你。但是有一点挺讽刺的是美国为了自身的利益拒绝签订《京都议定书》,但他没有发现签订《京都议定书》是在拯救别人,也在拯救自己。虽然美国的拯救精神应用外交方面是贬大于褒,但在军队里却是真正救了不少人。在《菊与刀》里有这样的观点,日本人的军队对于军医的需求是不大的,对于那些伤病员日军大都将其处死或者让他自行了结,但美军却不同,美军有比较专业的军医,对于伤病员大都尽力抢救的。另外,如果有些士兵不幸被俘虏,美国人都会尽全力去营救,所以美国的拯救精神用在真正的救死扶伤中是值得称赞的。 分析完拯救精神后接下来分析英雄主义。英雄主义也是流行于美国大片里,例如《爱国者》、《珍珠港》等等。这些片子里都有一个至两个的英雄,我个人认为这与美国的人民意识有关。美国是一个移民国家,刚刚开始的时候什么都没有,面对着恶劣的自然环境,只有靠自己的辛勤劳动自力更生才可以生存。所以他们崇尚英雄。特别是西进运动时期,



极端个人主义我认为是美国青少年犯罪的源头之一。青少年心智发育不成熟,容易受一些英雄主义的影响,加上一些人的险恶用心,从而使青少年的犯罪率上升。所以,英雄主义对于美国人来说是一把双刃剑,既可以让他们建功立业,也可以让他们家破人亡。 综上所述,我认为美国的拯救精神和英雄主义是一把双刃剑,利用得当救可以造福世


来源 :http://community.wm360.cn/space/index.php/8021/viewspace-11023.html

American heroism in movies

From to ,from to

Ripper> ,these movies reflect the obvious heroism .Take it as a example, is a typical one. The wife of protagonist works at a Japanese company,being visited to participate in the Christmas party of The 30th floor. Yet a group of gangsters are playing in 600 million money of the company. They blockaded the building ,leaving these guests as hostages. Mike succeed Iin escaping luckily, circling round prisoners individually to put to flight they finally,and extricate his wife.

Hero is a rich concept of cultural meaning, as the embodiment of human ideals, not only with the common human culture, but also because it has obviously special characteristics as being the product of specific history.

In Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary (4th edition), it says that: heroism is brave and noble conduct. In Webster’s New World Dictionary (3rd college edition), it reads that: heroism is the qualities and actions of a hero or heroine, bravery, nobility, valor, etc. And also, as Thomas Carlyle explained in his book On Heroes, Hero-ship, and the Heroic in History, heroism in history was greatness of

spirit, which was created by the heroes, who not only create the values by which other men live and gain their only true freedom but also satisfy mankind’s deep need for veneration of heroes.

The heroism of America roots in the Puritanism of America. Puritans was the

name given in the 16th century to the more extreme Protestants(新教徒,基督教徒) within the Church of England who thought the English Reformation (英国宗教改革)had not gone far enough in reforming the doctrines and structure of the church. They wanted to purify their national church by eliminating every shred of Catholic influence. In the 17th century many Puritans emigrated to the New World, where they sought to found a holy Commonwealth in New England. Puritanism remained the dominant cultural force in that area into the 19th century.

Puritans believed that human beings were predestined by God before they were born. Some were God's chosen people (God's elect 上帝的选民)while others were predestined to be damned to hell. The success of one's work or the prosperity in his calling given by God was the sign of being God's elect. Therefore, everyone must work hard, spend little and invest for more business. Working hard and living a moral life were their ethics. They regarded Bible to be the authority of their doctrine. To be able to read the Bible and understand God's will, education was essential for Puritans. Puritanism in New England (Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine and Rhode Island) made a great influence on American culture. The Puritans hoped to build "a city upon hill"—an ideal community. Since that time, Americans have viewed their country as a great experiment, a worthy model for other nations. New England also established another American tradition—a strain of often intolerant moralism. The Puritans believed that government should enforce God's morality. They strictly punished drunks, adulterers, violators of the Sabbath(安息日) and other religious believers different from themselves. The American values such as

individualism, hard work, and respect of education owe very much to the Puritan beliefs.

Notice the four components of heroism: moral greatness, ability and prowess(英勇), action in the face of opposition, and triumph in a spiritual form.

The hero is one who holds rational values and fights for them, if necessary, against every conceivable form of opposition. Heroism is a moral concept. By its nature it is reserved for the man set apart--for the select few who tower above the rest. It is a rare classification. To attain this status one must reach the peak of human morality--an unalterable commitment to rational values, in action, in the teeth of (抵挡)opposition that would dismay a lesser man.

The characteristics of American heroism are individualism, offensive and absolute self-confidence.Comparing with other European countries , American heroism is as young as this country. As a nation of immigrants, it's "Heroes" can not help with having the shadow of the Old World’s heroes. But the young country constantly have exploited the boundary and enhanced national strength since it’s establishment.The heroes they have shaped, whether it is a "Yankee" or a cowboy, the white settlers expanding westward or American soldiers fighting overseas, generally have similar traits: individualism, aggressive and absolute self-confidence. Westerns are almost always a universal mode: a hero single-handedly conquerd the world, and finally achieved the goal and quietly disappeard. Modern heroes in the American movies are certainly have a variety of shapes and backgrounds, but the essence of "American Heroes" is only one model: the styles of American themselves. The only different is that he is sometimes dressed in cowboy clothes, sometimes wears a helmet the

Vietnam War, sometimes dressed as Spider-Man or even has the appearance of saucer man.

Philosopher Xenophanes say that if cattle have God, God, it must look like cattle. Pretending as the head of the world , the "heroes" Amreican created naturally is the bosses that thy can do everything by themselves. Although some American who do not agree with this,making the movies such as ,with " restore the heroes to the adult" ,or reflect on heroism culture’s influences, but this was taking a vivid description of the heroic

culture and the "American hero" make how far-reaching impact in American. Now the heroism culture has a profound impact on the world, as the other culture of United States.

What are heroes, perhaps going through tribulation, still have their own beliefs, and eventually go in the end. This analysis shows, in fact, individual heroism should be divided into two parts. First, individualism, the second is a hero.In fact, individualism can be counted an important part of American culture, they firmly believe that the individual development and freedom are the most important cores. As for heroism, it roots in the anxiety and fear we have due to our own living environment, which is the sense comes from our heart to the unkown world.The heroes always have all the good qualities we expect, always give us the most

favorable support and protection in the most dangerous moment. In other words, our hero is actually a perfect position for our own. But we will never reach that kind of standard, so there must be a image of the hero, giving our heart a comfort.

Americans seem to be aware of this point deeply. We can see, all the American films of heroism must involve the family, love, friendship, failure, depressure, then be enlightened, rise, and ultimately defeats evil.

From traditional Chinese view, heroism is often existed, from ancient Yellow Emperor fighted with Chi You can see our hero position, but the Chinese do not promote individualism, which is consistent with the the Confucianists (儒家). There is no national significance for individuals separate from the community, but there is also a bit of individualism that we must strive to learn, that is its value to share endless pursuit of power, while in traditional Chinese culture, too more emphasis are paid on the contribution of social and surrounding ,there is no intrinsic motivation to drive our not driven pursuit of our own value, consequently, people will lose the will to

struggle. So this is our first lessons that we should the draws the essence of individual. Second one is the implementation of responsibility. Individualistic orientation is their own thing, so individuals who live in a society, to fulfill their social

responsibilities. The concept of collective responsibility of the Selection Committee in easily leads to another phenomenon, which is a collective cultural ill,to pass the buck to each other. As to heroism, the hero is actually our own values, capabilities perfected. Perfection is impossible, but we can not stop the pace of the pursuit to perfection, as stated before, uphold justice, keep the faith, fulfill its responsibility, never stop the pursuit for the goal, you will find, actually, you are a hero.

People love heroes, worship heroes and even follow the leads of heroes. No matter what culture it is, heroism, as a great power, continuously stimulates people to develop and to progress. It plays a significant role in the national spirit. The

earthquake that occurred in 12 May, 2008, killed nearly one hundred thousand people in Sichuan province. Countless troops and rescue experts were sent to Sichuan to rescue survivors and to reconstruct. Confront adverse geographical conditions and continuous aftershocks, the soldiers were not afraid. But almost every day we could hear the report of soldiers’ injury or death during that hard time. I still remember the words one soldier said, “The 50% possibility of death to the 50% hope of surviving, it’s worth exchanging.” What great heroism spirit it is!

Today, the process of globalization is accelerating, how to maintain the essence of national culture and keep pace with the world’s step is a big problem. In China, the publication of heroism is imperative, because it not only strengthens the people's patriotic education, but also encourages people to create values for the country, and this is what a superpower need.


[1]Grolier Incorporated. Encyclopedia Americana. the 14th volume, U.S.A.: Grolier Incorporated, 1988.

[2]Hornby A. S,Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary(4th edition), Oxford: Oxford University Press & Beijing: The Commercial Press, 1997.

[3]Webster’s New World, Webster’s New World Dictionary (3rd college edition), New York: Webster’s Now World, 1988.


































































































摘 要 个人英雄主义作为美国文化的核心价值观念,利用电影的画面美与个人英雄主义情结巧妙地结合起来。并通过一系列的文化传播等方式,进入了大众的视野迫使人们不得不关注这一新兴价值观。 关键词 价值观 个人英雄主义 自由


我虽然没有跟美国人接触过,但在众多的影视作品中,我们能很明显的感觉到,美国人把个人自由放在高于一切的地位。不仅从联邦宪法赋予个人以信仰,言论,出版和集会的自由,而且在日常的交往过程中,美国人也很重视个人自由。当个人自由受到威胁时,他们有权用枪杆子来维护自己的权利。就是在这样的环境中,让他们的个人主义观念日益膨胀。 那么,我们应该会好奇,美国人的个人英雄主义价值观是怎么产生的?首先,价值观的产生是自由选择。这种选择的自由对于价值观的发展是最基本的,因为价值观不可能经由强制或压迫而获得,它是一种心甘情愿作出的选择,是在仔细考虑与衡量所有的选择途径及其可能后果后作出的决定。价值观渗透和贯穿着我们的生活,自由的选择使我们成为生活的积极参与者,而不是旁观者。价值观是“个人或群体所特有的一种显性或隐性的认为什么是可取的观念,这一种观念影响着人们现有的种种行动模式,方式和目的中做出选择”。接下来,我们不得不追述一下美利坚合众国建立的由来了。在17世纪的时候,出现了一股移民的浪潮,也就是哥伦布发现美洲大陆后约两百年。而为什么这么多人会移民到美洲呢?我们都知道那时候欧洲的航海探险依然不成熟,一不小心可能就是有去无回了。历史学家们认为有经济、宗教和政治上的动机,今天无意讨论这方面的细微因素,只要大家把他们联系到一起来看,其实他们都是为了个人的自由。无论是政治上受到迫害也好,宗教上的清教徒受到排挤也好,还是生活困苦无法继续,其实大家冒险走向这一片新天地,心里的信念就是为了能够更自由美好的生活,不再受到压迫,不再受到约束。在拥有这样思想意识形态的众多移

② ①②王恩铭:《闲话美国人——美国人的基本价值观念(1)》,《英语自学》 2000年第1期。 罗艳丽:《阿甘正传:美国传统价值观的呼唤与回归》,《电影评介》 2006年第19期。





在我看来,近十多年来,好莱坞电影能成功地将美国的文化价值观灌输到其他国家,其中中国也“不能幸免”,而在美国精神中占有重要地位的个人英雄主义更是刻画到极致。作为广大观众之一的我来说,对美式个人英雄主义持保留态度,可能是因为每个人内心深处都怀揣一个英雄梦,可是在现代和平大环境下,平凡的我们几乎没有机会去实现,可以说无用武之地,所以我们往往会寄希望于电影主人公身上,希望他们能够代替我们完成这个萦绕心中却又难以实现的梦想。当然,从某种程度上说,美式个人英雄主义具有一定的积极意义,但当前的好莱坞电影塑造了太多的英雄,造成了英雄泛滥,如何在塑造伟大的个人英雄主义与英雄泛滥之间谋求平衡则显得尤其重要。但是美国通过电影的文化输出方式,逐渐向其他国家进行文化“渗透”,其本质上是在进行一场“思想的战争”,正如理查德•克罗斯曼所言:“这场战争具有一个庞大的武器库,所藏的武器是刊物、图书、会议、研讨会、美术展览、音乐会、授奖等。”1961年6月,美国一家著名电影公司的制片人兼导演达利尔•柴纳尔在英国《电影及电影制作》发表文章,称好莱坞影片是“铁盒里的大使”。“这些圆盒子里装有卷得很紧的一卷卷印着美国电影制片者思想、想象和创作才能的走遍世界的影片。我相信,美国影片是对共产主义最有效的摧毁力量。”将核心价值观放在大众文化的传播和交往中,凭借强大的经济力和科技力进行输出,以实现价值观念上的传播和渗透,效果明显。文化产品的大量输出,导致美国文化在世界各国广泛流行。美国的电视节目和电影,以及美国的通俗音乐、生活时尚在全球各个角落传播,美国的科学与文化期刊数量与影响力远远超过任何发展中国家。这些充满美国情调的文化产品蜂拥而至那些国门初开或敞开的国家,尽管丰富了当地的文化生活,但却悄悄地吞噬着那里的民族文化。所以我们作为当代大学生,更要有理智的跟随潮流,不要盲目的跟风。做到取其精华,去其糟粕。 ①

① 韩源:《美国对外文化战略手段》,《国家文化安全论》 2014年第3期。



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Individual heroism in American and China

Thesis Statement:The United States is a superpower ,and has a strong sense of independence and warm pursuing of individual Heroism.

Abstract: Introduce the American heroism take Air Force One for instance, give the detailed information about the Air Force One, and describe how the president fight against the terrorists. analysis the reason why it exist in American and China, finally compared the American individual heroism with the Chinese heroism and individual heroism should be controlled at the best degree so that it can make the great contribution to the country and the people.

Keywords: American, Individual heroism, Air Force One.

I. Introduction

Analysis the individual heroism in American and compared it with the China individual heroism. Take Air Force One as an example, analyzing the reasons that why it has been exist for so many years, and also the point how it is developed. Give some detailed descriptions of the Individual heroism in the film of Air Force One, especially analysis the American president's action against the terrorists and the service he enjoyed. And what he did when he confronted the difficulties, by the way, feature the skills the president have that escape from the worst situation. At the same time, give us a eye feast on the equipment and advanced technology on the Air Force One, and the perfect safe system it owns. What is more, describe the staff that work for the president, their behavior that sacrifice themselves for the president's safety. They are awesome and so skilled in the use of the technology, and when they face the sudden situation what they present us is calm and have the spirit of not giving up until the last miniate. Praising their technology and their essence when face with the choice we have to made very difficult. Then we can compared the individual heroism in American with the individual heroism in China, it may have something in common, we can learn something from it.

The organization of the paper is, first explain the individual heroism in American, take Air Force One as an example, give a brief introduction of the Air Force One, it's equipment, the staff, the technology, the safety system it have, the special functions it owns, and so on. Then we embody the individual heroism in Air Force One, give the most detailed description of the battle between the president and the terrorists to presenting the president's wit and braveness, at the end of the first chapter, define and describe the characters of individual heroism, the film suggest. In the second chapter, comparing the individual heroism exist in China and the United States. Explain the reason why individual heroism appeared in the two countries, from the aspect of culture origin, social history background, their emphasis on personal role. And then compared the difference between the China and the United States about the individual heroism.

II. The individual heroism in American

In modern films, the hero is often described as an ordinary person in extraordinary circumstances, who, despite the odds being go against him or her, typically dangers in the end. In some movies (especially action films), a hero may present characteristics such as superhuman power and patience that makes him nearly invincible. Often a hero in these situations has a bad man, especially a charismatic evildoer who represents, leads, or himself embodies the struggle the hero is up against. Post-modern fictional works have fomented the increased popularity of the the people who is antihero, who does not obey common conceptions of heroism. Hero or heroine is sometimes used to simply describe the protagonist of a story, or the love affairs, a usage which can conflict with the superhuman expectations of heroism. gave Vanity Fair the subtitle A Novel without a Hero. The larger-than-life hero is a more common figure of interesting than more realist works. United States seemed to emphasis on individual heroism in its movies, such as Superman, Spiderman, Batman. In those disasters movies, it describe us that there are a lot of destructions in the world. It is always through the hero's courage and wit can the beauty even this world be saved . This kind of movies often makes us soul-stirring and can not help falling in love with the heroes. We feel the heroes and us are deeply linked. This shows that in our heart ,we actually agree with individual heroism, at least we do not object to such values.

There appeared the heroes, since the settlement of the puritans, they surpass all the obstacle, finally lead a better life, this process is so tough that no one can image. They are the founder of the American land, their sacrifice is pay off, they paved the way for the next generations of the American, they made the foundation for the development of the American. The becoming of the Super country is the feat of the common peoples contribution. For instance, the west movement, is the most influential movement in the history of the American. They find the resources which support the country to develop into the most powerful country in the world.

Air Force One is the plan taken by the president for special, Air Force One is the official plane have the sign of any United States air force aircraft carrying the president of the American. In general terms, it refers to those Air Force aircraft whose primary duty is to transport the president; wheres, any U.S. Air Force plane may carry the

The opinion that to create a specific military plane to transport the President arose

in 1943, when officials of the American Army Air Forces – the predecessor to the U.S. Air Force – became concerned with depending on business airlines to carry the President. A C-87 Liberator Express was used as a presidential transport; but, it was objected by the Secret Service among worries about the aircraft's safety. A C-54 Skymaster was then changed for the use of the president; this aircraft, named the Sacred Cow, carried the President Franklin D. Roosevelt to the Yalta Conference in February 1945, and was consequently being used for another two years by President Harry S. Truman.


On 11 October 1910, Theodore Roosevelt was the first U.S. President to boarding in the plane, although at that time, the plane in an early Wright Flyer from Kinloch Field (near St. Louis, Missouri), he was not in office any longer, been succeeded by William Howard Taft. The record-making moment was a brief overflight of the audience at a country market but was wheres, the start of presidential travel.

Prior to World War II, overseas and cross-country president who is traveling was rare. Lacking wireless telecommunication and fast transportation equipment made the long-distance travel impractical, for it took too much time and keep the president far away from the events in Washington, D.C. Railroads were a safe and more reliable place if the President want to travel to any distant states. By the late 1930s, with the appearance of the aircraft such as the Douglas DC-3, more and more numbers of the U.S. crowd saw passenger travel by air as a rational method of transportation. All-metal aircraft, numerous reliable engines, and high technology radio aids to navigation made the commercial airline travel more safe and more facility. Life insurance firms began to offer airline pilots insurance policies, and numbers of

commercial travelers and government officials began to use the airlines rather than the rail travel, especially for longer trips.

Franklin D. Roosevelt was the first to fly in an aircraft when in office. The first aircraft gained specifically for presidential travel was a Douglas Dolphin amphibian dispatched in 1933 which was designed RD-2 by the US Navy and use the Naval base at Anacostia D.C as the base. The Dolphin was equipped with a luxury upholstery for four fares and a little isolated sleeping compartment. The aircraft still in service as a presidential plane from 1933 till 1939. There being no reports about whether the president flew in the plane though. During World War II, Roosevelt traveled on the Dixie Clipper, a Pan Am-crewed Boeing 314 flying boat to the 1943 Casablanca Conference, in Morocco, a flight that contained 5,500 miles (in three

Worried about relying upon commercial airlines to carry the president, USAAF leaders ordered the conversion of a military aircraft to meet the needs of the Commander in Chief. The first dedicated aircraft suggested for presidential use was a C-87A VIP transport plane. This aircraft, number 41-24159, was changed in 1943 for the use of a presidential VIP transport, the Guess Where II, planed to carry President Franklin D. Roosevelt on international trips. If it had been accepted, it would have been the first plane used in presidential service, influence the first Air Force One. But, after a review of the C-87's highly controversial safety record in service, the Secret Service flatly rejected to approve the Guess Where II for presidential carriage. At the same time, the C-87 was a derivative of the B-24 Liberator bomber, so it presented offensive impressions to enemy fighter plane and foreign dignitaries being visited as well. The Guess Where II was then used to carry senior members of the Roosevelt administration on trips. In March 1944, it carried Eleanor Roosevelt on a goodwill trip to several Latin American countries. The C-87 was scrapped in 1945.

The Secret Service subsequently reconfigured a Douglas C-54 Skymaster for duty as a presidential carrier. The VC-54C plane, nicknamed the Sacred Cow, including a sleeping area, radio telephone, and retractable elevator to lift Roosevelt in his

wheelchair. The VC-54C was used by President Roosevelt only once, on his travel to the Yalta Conference in February 1945.

The individual heroism in Air Force One, has its character presented to us to a large extent. After the terrorists boarded the plane, the staff tried their best to save the president, let him go by parachute, but he give up the chance. On the contrary, he choose to fight with the terrorists with his unexpected attack. Many situations that the president were caught by the terrorists, but he successfully escaped with the advantage that he was more familiar with the structure of the Air Force One. And he connected the United States vice president and the officials, technicist, with the help of the telephone, he surpass so many difficulties to made obstacles to the terrorists to reach their purpose to control the president and then to negotiate with the vice president, with the aim to release the leader of the terrorists. The wit the president have that save the situation is courage, and skills. First, he choose not to really escape by parachute, his unexpected existence gains him so many advantages, so he killed several terrorists with no arms at hand. And at great worrying situation, he came up with the idea that use the telephone to contact with the technicist to successfully leak the oil the plane stored, with the purpose to threaten the terrorists to landing. Only on the land can they save them, for the whole plan are in the control of the terrorists. So he ventured to save the hostage hold by the terrorists, which is the only hope for the whole staff to survive. No matter what kind of situation he confront, he always keep calm. He tried his best to use everything or every available equipment to keep contact with the officials and find help. When he was beating by the leader of the terrorists, he also thought the method to survive, and to save his family and the officials. The pression on him is so great, but he can also came up with so many ideas. So at last, his wisdom and his calm saved most of the staff and his family, he always let others to come first, he acted as a hero. At last, when the other plan come to the rescue, he let the officials go first, finally, there left three staff but there only a chance for one to survive, but one of the staff afraid to die, he want to shoot the president, but the president stoped him. He appeared to always have the right chose and to be a skilled army-man can take so many adventures to come to rescue the people or even the


Individual heroism is a kind of phenomenon that the hero save the world through the hero's braveness and wit, This kind of movies often makes us soul-stirring and can not help falling in love with the valiant heroes. Feeling the heroes and us are deeply linked, showing that in our heart ,we actually agree with individual heroism, at least we do not object to such values.

III. The reason why Individual Heroism exist in the United States Firstly, we have to date back to the American history. It is known to all that the first generation of Americans are immigrants from Europe. When they arrived this piece of unknown land, the situation was an absolute disadvantage to them. Indians who are obstacles around them ,they were not fitted to the environment, and there were so many inevitable natural disasters to surpass. Everything was difficult to survive here, so there must be some heroes who could lead them and give them the way to survive, at least, in spirit. The man could be outstanding, brave and wise. He made right decisions all the time. And he helped anyone in trouble. He was always willing to sacrifice himself for the whole people. May be this is the historical origin of heroism.

Secondly, we have to find it in American culture. In it's culture, there is a very important value----responsibility. This sense of responsibility comes from the pursuit of a particular thing or a stubborn belief. Personally, I think such culture may be derived from the medieval knights spirits, which cherished the loyalty and braveness, a kind of spirit they bring by the Protestants.

What is a real hero? A hero is the man has went through trials and tribulations, but still persist on his own beliefs. Such analysis seems, it can be divided into two parts to look at individual heroism. First individualism, then is heroism. In fact, individualism is an changeable part of the American culture. Americans believe that the existence of personal development and freedom is the most important aim firmly. Heroism,on the other hand, comes from our own living situations, our anxiety and

fear need us to have a hero to help us. We deeply feel worried about survival from unknown difficulties. While the heroes always have all good qualities that they are expected. They always give us the most favorable support and protection in the most dangerous moment at the sacrifice of their life. If we dig deeper, heroes in United States are in fact have perfect locations for our own. We will never reach that standard, so there must be a consciousness of the hero figure to created from movies and give us a consolation. Americans seem to be aware of this point. So, as we all know, all the heroism of the American movies are involved in affection, love, friendship, failure, frustration, confusion, just like our daily life. But in the end, heroes always rise and eventually overcome the evil.

Speaking of this movie which was taken in the late '80s .you can find many factors classic to praise. But the characters described in it, is the movie's most famous point. Why? First of all, this does not use that kind of plots in the past movies that heroes had magic power that they won't injuries, no tiredness, no fear, and so on. They just held a gun and killed all the gangsters at several moments, this is just the typical image of the hero. Such a hero is too fake . In this film, we can see a flesh and blood. He feel the pain and know he would be injured in the battle and he would feel frustration and wanted to give up.

Why do we called him a hero? For he has his own beliefs, he struggled with justice in mind, even though a lot of sorrow experience and frustration nearly beat him down, even though sometimes he wanted to give up, but in the end he persist till to the end. This is a real hero, a living human hero. From the movie, we really see a heroic description to our inner world—they are man, with feelings and they also have a firm opposition and will not yield. This is the responsibility and spirit in United States individual heroism movie with which they want to present and told us around the world. We all appreciate the heroes in the Bond series, they always very obscure at start, and looking the situation around and try his best to control the whole situation, at the same time, he would always save a beautiful woman, at an extremely perilous situation, but the ending always is the hero successfully saved the woman and protect the country's safety, and with wounds all around the body, but with a happy smile.

This kind series of films are popular in the United States forever, for American ken on watching it. They appreciate the heroes, this kind of spirit is dating back to their ancestors who find the New England, and develop the west vast land, build a new Eden for them, their life are owing to their struggle against the bad person. This is their dream, never chang, that dream can come true, if only you try your best and persist on it.

There is also some qualities about individual heroism in American movies that we must take by heart. First of all, is the pursuing for self-value, which has infinite strength to encourage us to struggle. The second thing we should learn from individual heroism of Americans, that is the responsibility. We have the responsibility to help others, to protect the ones we loved, and even to heal the world. Heroes express the voice of our heart. We are not able to be that perfect, but if we believe in justice, fulfill our responsibility and never give up, we will find, in fact, we are heroes.

And so many other history heroes, for their wit and their outstanding military accomplishments. So there appeared many heroes about the emperor, they finished the old and bleak rule of the former a fatuous and self-indulgent ruler, and try their best to lead the people to have a better life. They are heroes in the eye of the common people. They fight against the attackers and protect the safety of the people on the frontier. And broadening our territory to distribute more fertile land to the people. The kindness official who worked for the common people are also hero in the mind of the peasants, the typical figure of the good official that worked for the common people all his life. And there are also many females sacrifice themselves to save their countries also regarded as a hero. And the Bond series, is the typical figures of heroes, hate injustice like poison, have eyes that can tell the right and the wrong, and would like to change the situation at the last minute. Always try to kill the bad person without considering the result and the difficulties he face. So the real hero is the one who sacrificed his or her life but did not let the next generation to feel sorrow for them, what they want is we lead a better life, living as long as we can, and educate our next generations well. This the most common dream, simple but difficult to reach. This is the true hero not considering anything about the fame and wealth. Long time ago, our parents' generations appreciate their president very much, they saw them as a god in their mind. So there appeared that they build the statues of them at any sacrifice, the president they respected are all be perfectly curved at a high price. For instance, Lincoln, Benjamin Franklin, Roosevelt. They are not only made great contributions to the county but also to the whole world, bring benefit to the whole people in the American. Indeed he did much to the dependence of the country, but the achievement is not himself. Without

the union of the whole country we can not gain the progress made by us now. So individual heroism sometimes motivate us to try harder to save the world to change the situation we have. But to another extreme, individual heroism can lead us to turn a deaf ear to the right policies that have benefits on our countries, so this is a difficult question. Nowadays, we have heroes as well, but they are common people. Maybe they learn something from the previous heroes. The individual heroism in both countries may be exist in different forms. The Americans seemed to have much interesting on the kind of people who have a good command of technology or Kung fu and with extraordinary wisdom always can find the solution to the most sever situation. It is unbelievable, something exaggerate, may be just for fun, for feeling it to far away from us. It is not for the common people, may be this is their American dream that everything can come true, what you need to do is just try you best, and persist on it. A series of Band can suggest it. But the hero in American also have the character what the common people have, when face a difficult, first scared to run away, but realized it later then come back to fight against it, it is the common people's hero. They are more reality.

IV. Conclusion

After we know the the individual heroism existing in the American, and compared the difference of the individual heroism in China and the United States, I suppose every countries have their own standard to be a hero in the whole people's mind, though there is something different but have much common as well. A hero is one who contribute to the safety and the peace, the wealth of the country is a hero, no matter how this contribution is bid or not, they try their best. People will respect them, that is the same. Individual heroism is a sword with two blades, so we should to control it to the best degree. History told us, extremely cult of personality can only bring us catastrophe, so be ware of the situation we are in. Just try our best to make contribution to our countries, never with the purpose to be respected by the whole countries and considering the fame it bring can you to sacrifice to the countries, this is totally wrong. Be a common people, and do what you can do for the countries is enough. A man with wisdom but have mean thoughts can bring us a lot of trouble, but a common people will not do this. So the hero should realized that a man always have its limits, so if you have some contributions to the countries, do not lose yourself in

the praisings, remember you are a common people, your thoughts can not be always right and always stand on the foot of the people. So be conscious that men have its limits. We appreciate the hero, the society and the history need the hero, but heroes with a balanced attitude will always be a hero in the mind of the people forever.


(1)Wallace, Chris.

(2)Wallace, Chris.

(3) 吉丹丹.美国灾难片《2012》背后的中西文化差异[J].电影文学,2010(09).

(4) 胡立新,方拥军.好莱坞大片的极端文化价值观批判[J].文艺争鸣,2006(04).











  当查理试图让哥哥雷曼坐飞机时被拒绝,雷曼细数了很多关于空难的数据,查理显然此时对雷曼的行为非常地诧异和不理解,无奈之下,他只好用汽车载着哥哥开始一段耐人寻味的旅程。导演刻意选择用汽车作为叙事的背景是有深刻原因的,众所周知,汽车是西方世界工业的代表,几乎每一个美国家庭都有汽车,汽车成为美国人生活中的不可或缺。在这部亲情题材的影片中,采用汽车作为主要场景更加符合美国人的审美需要,并且更加具有亲切感,也为故事情节的展开提供了一个充满想象力的场景。两人在旅途的过程中,雷曼突然想起要到一个特定的地方买一条特定的内裤,这让作为正常人的弟弟查理无可奈何,也让银幕前的观众哭笑不得。查理无法说服哥哥,于是生气地走下汽车,一个人在公路上游荡,当他回头看时,发现哥哥早已离开汽车,朝他的反方向走去。此时的汽车里变得非常空荡,通过这一场景可以看出,汽车已经被视为两人交流和沟通的主要场所,而空荡的汽车则向观众说明了性格迥异的两个人难以弥合的心理鸿沟。在这个时刻,汽车被孤零零地丢弃在路边,两个人却沿着相反的方向走远,营造出了一种悲凉的氛围,为以后故事的发展做了铺垫。后来,查理偶然间发现了雷曼超凡的记忆力,决定带着哥哥去赌场,最后查理凭借雷曼的超能力赢得了一大笔钱。查理大喜若狂,同他的哥哥和女朋友苏珊娜在车里嬉戏打闹,外面灿烂的阳光和欢快流淌的泉水也暗示着兄弟两人的隔阂开始消失,两人也开始相互包容和理解对方的性格。此时的汽车仍然是作为一个主要的场景,只是同前一个场景不同,在这个时刻,汽车里的氛围已经变得非常地温馨和融洽,从不同的角度折射出查理开始慢慢地被雷曼的真诚所打动,并且逐渐意识到亲情才是这个世界上最为珍贵的东西,自己原来的价值理念正在潜移默化地发生着改变。   这部电影带有一定的喜剧色彩,故事的发展是以雷曼和查理荒诞离奇的矛盾冲突为主线,影片中的很多情节都会让人忍俊不禁,但是这部电影又不是单纯的喜剧,在说笑之后往往会给观众的内心深处带来前所未有的震撼。幽默一直以来都是美国电影所追求的效果,影片的主人公雷曼身为一个自闭症患者被弟弟强制带出医院进入现实社会,雷曼的种种异常行为极具喜剧色彩,导演通过对一个具有鲜明个性特征的患者的刻画和描写,将该影片的观赏效果提升到了一个新的高度。例如,雷曼在精神疗养医院里每天都会收看电视节目,在旅途中的他仍然坚持自己的这一习惯,查理在无奈之下只有带着哥哥去别人家看电视,当雷曼和小孩子在一起收看电视节目的时候,小孩子们只是毫无表情地看着电视剧屏幕,而雷曼的内心却充满了兴奋和欢乐,那可爱的表情和幼稚的动作无疑具有很强的幽默感和滑稽感,而这一细节也恰恰反映出了雷曼单纯的思想和善良的本性特征。








